Inspire. Inform. Invite. Invest.

Partnering with local churches, ministry agencies, and the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference

to create a culture of generosity that transforms the world.

Our Mission

The United Methodist Stewardship Foundation of Greater New Jersey partners with local churches, ministry agencies, and the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference to create a culture of generosity that transforms the world.

We strive to:

  • Raise faith that manifests in increased generosity

  • Provide investments that generate a competitive return, align with United Methodist values, and make a positive impact

  • Develop and deliver resources and training to grow Stewardship & Planned Giving

Transform the World

Since 1990, we have been working with ministry partners to plan and prepare for present and future fiscal needs to help congregations and the Annual Conference sustain ministries and thrive. Join us as a partner in growing the future of ministry through resources, faith-aligned investments, planned giving, and endowment building. Together we can strengthen current ministry through effective stewardship and faith-aligned investing to create a culture of GRACE-rooted generosity and contagious abundance that can transform the world.

How We Help

We are here to help your congregation or ministry increase generosity, grow planned giving and invest for competitive returns through faith-aligned choices.

Grow Giving in the Local Church

Resources to grow year-round generosity

Start a Planned Giving Program

Key steps to launch planned giving in your church

Invest for ALL Your Church Needs

Providing short to long-term investment options

Explore Alternative
Income Streams

Resources and workshops for creating additional revenue in the church